Monday, June 6, 2011


TODAY is my first taste of "summer vacation"!  I am looking forward to 8 weeks off, and do so appreciate the fact that I can enjoy some time at home!  The first three pictures are the results of 9 days of "textbook check-in" at our Skyline Library at the end of the school year. 
This is the first year that our Library will store student textbooks over the summer!  Fortunately, we had some great student helpers who assisted with the scanning and stacking!

 This summer my hope is to spend some extra time with my grandchildren, Landon and Cailyn.  This is Landon at 4 months of age, and only two weeks post-op!  He's doing great!  Landon is an easy smiler, coos and giggles alot.  It's such a pleasure to be able to hold and rock a baby.
 Here's Landon's big sister Cailyn at around 4 months of age...don't they look like siblings??
 And here is Cailyn now at 2 years, in such a grown-up pose!  Cailyn and I will enjoy her new sandbox on our patio, playing dress-up, playing with legos and having snacks at our tea party table. 
My hope for the summer is enjoy these cutie-pies, along with some reading, a little sewing, and relaxing. Hopefully we will get up to Mom & Dad's Strawberry house this summer to enjoy some cooler weather.  I plan to play with PAPER alot, i.e., sorting, shredding, recycling.  I've saved too many papers (interesting tidbits) over the years, so it's time to "let go" and feel a bit lighter! I want to concentrate on organizing recipes (something I've been trying to do for years now!)  I plan to go to the YMCA almost daily (and I'm saying this out loud so I am more committed to the exercise that I need!)  And, last but not least, my mantra will need to be "do not go not go shopping!"  No paycheck means I need to stay out of the stores...UNLESS, of course, there's a great sale that I can't miss! ;-)


  1. Such cute shots of the kiddos, oh my the books are amazing in stacks, hope you don't have to unstack all those textbooks on Aug 1 ! Can't wait to start our summer sewing with the girls and do some fun things together!

  2. Love it! I enjoyed hearing about what goals you are going to work on this summer. I have a long list as well. Summers fly by too fast!
