Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Alissa & Alan!

Wow!  How time flies when you are having fun!! 

Today is Alissa & Alan's 8th wedding anniversary!  Theirs is a "fairytale" romance story, beginning with how they met!
Here's a snap from their honeymoon trip to Scotland...

Along the way, they've lived in two houses...adopted two homeless cats...traded cars, changed jobs, and were courageous to try a business venture. 

They are a couple "in tune" with each other, and that is a rare gift indeed!
With each passing day, their love story continues to grow.  Congratulations and Best wishes for your 8th Anniversary and for more "happy chapters" to come in your love story!


  1. Happiest of Anniversaries to you both! Enjoy and many more to come! we love you!!!

  2. Awww...Thank You!! We had a wonderful anniversary!
