Sunday, September 15, 2013

A special Visit to Preschool!

On September 5 I was able to leave work for a few hours to make a special visit to Cailyn's preschool.  She started at the end of July, two mornings per week, at Haley Elementary in Chandler.  The teachers had invited "grandparents" to visit for a part of their day in honor of Grandparents Day.  Cailyn was one lucky little girl to have 3 of her grandparents attend!
 When I arrived, Cailyn's teacher was reading a book to the class...there are two teachers for about 20 children in the class.

This "center" was a "stamping" activity; of course, once Cailyn was finished, she thought it would be fun to use her fingertips too for part of the design!
 The next center was painting a fish using paint and bubble wrap to create the fish scales on the paper plate.  Cailyn remembered to write her name on the back first.

 I made her "pose" in front of the "drying rack"!
 Next center was about "counting fish" on a laminated paper...trying NOT to eat the fish crackers which were after the counting activity were put back into the ziplock bag for taking home to eat later.  It was hard to wait! ;-)

 It just so happened that the class was learning about the letter "C" this week, so all the "C" things were on a board, including all the children who have names that start with the letter "C"....Cailyn looked so cute in her pretty dress and leggings!
 Here her Nana watches Cailyn "feeding" toy bones to a little dog!  Fine motor skills practiced!
 Then on to the listening station to follow along and listen to a book.

Here are the cubbies near the classroom door.  Cailyn's is on the top right.
 When Cailyn finished her "centers" I asked her about the props, puppets and stage, so she gave me a little demonstration.
 Teacher turned out the lights after about an hour of all these different activities, which signaled clean up time, and then time to sit on the rug for further instructions.
 When it was time for "recess", it happened to be Cailyn's week as "door holder" so she went to her post and waited for others to go ahead.
 And before I headed back to work, I went to their shaded playground to watch Cailyn play...she seems to enjoy sliding down the pole!  Fortunately, there's a playground aide at the ready for help!
 It was a very special morning....thanks for inviting me to visit, Cailyn!  You are a very special little girl!


  1. My son went there too, Marcy, at Hancock. He loved Mrs Vallera. Funny, because my son had the same cubby as Cailyn, too! He's now in kindergarten at that school and loves it. They still use the same preschool playground yet.

  2. I just enrolled Ethan in their preschool for the remainder of the year. He will be in the afternoon class, though. Looks like so much fun!
