I am so grateful to have had a 4-day weekend, celebrating Thanksgiving and enjoying family togetherness. I have many blessings, but am especially grateful for my parents who were able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with us. Here's Mom with my niece Amy, hubby Chris, daughter Alissa, hubby Alan, sitting on the patio.
We celebrated the holiday at my sister Terry and her husband Ken's lovely home.
We celebrated the holiday at my sister Terry and her husband Ken's lovely home.
Their son Jeremy and his wife Jamie who live in Mississippi came home for the holidays, so it was great to see them again! They're expecting their first baby in June, #5 grandchild for my sister! Bless their hearts!!
Here's my Dad standing on the patio with my other nephew Chris,holding 5-month old Bode with his wife MaryBeth!
Last, but certainly not least, we enjoyed our grand-nephews, Amy & Chris' boys:
"almost 7"-year old Aiden is in the center, 4-year old Garrett is on the right, and 2-year old Ethan was too busy for a photo opportunity!
We enjoyed the chance to finally meet Jamie's family, as we had not been able to travel to their wedding two years ago. It will be nice to be able to put a face with a name now!
I am grateful for my daughter Alissa who "comes to the rescue" each year by helping me decorate for Christmas. With her help on Friday afternoon, Alissa provided the momentum I needed to get alot done this weekend!
I am grateful that my husband (being one of the biggest "grinches" on the planet), was willing to help me put up our Christmas village on Saturday afternoon. Thankyou, honey!! On Saturday evening we were thankful to see Mike and his family whom we didn't see on Thanksgiving Day. Vince helped them with a family photo, and then we went out to eat at Chick-fil-A. We splurged and enjoyed the new yummy Peppermint Chocolate-chip shakes too!That's something else to be grateful for!
Tonight I am thankful to have had a nice phone conversation with daughter Jennifer whom we miss. She and hubby Joe were able to celebrate Thanksgiving today with Joe's parents, since Joe and his stepdad both worked on Thursday. Jen and I compared notes about our turkey dinners and holiday activities, and she could hear her niece chattering in the background, as Mike and Cailyn were at our house for dinner tonight.
Tomorrow, it's back to work, but the special memories of the last few days will keep me going! I have many blessings to count, and so much to be grateful for!