Monday, August 19, 2013

Hot August Nights and Days!

Early in August, we celebrated my hubby's birthday, with dinner on the 4th at home,
AND at Joe's Real BBQ on the 5th!
  Landon and Cailyn were impressed with the big tractor in the middle of the restaurant!

 Our children were all in attendance,
plus our long-time dear friends, Mike and Doddy McFadden surprised Vince and helped us celebrate!

They even brought a special sign for the occasion....

"Happy Birthday" in Italian!

The following weekend, we were able to help Mike and Corissa with their children since Corissa was in the hospital after major surgery on her back.  We had a full day of FUN, starting out in the morning with playtime in the backyard sprinkler...

 followed by indoor FUN with toys and lunch, PLUS the "surprise" new sleeping bags we bought so that a "naptime" might be more of a possibility....It was a nice thought...Cailyn is old enough to understand "quiet time", but Landon, not so much! ;-) His little body never stopped wiggling...Mimi was even "pretending" to sleep between them on the floor, to no avail!

 We baked cookies before going out to play in the sprinklers...Grandpa had to finish the baking process when the children decided water play outdoors sounded more enticing than coloring pictures, playing with cars, while waiting for cookies to bake. Once the first cookie tasting was completed, then moving on to the sprinklers seemed like a great idea!  I don't blame them! ;-)
Landon playing a number game with Grandpa...after "nap time"!
Cailyn playing "Jenga" with Aunt Alissa! Uncle Alan and Aunt Alissa came late afternoon as "reinforcements"... 
to play with their niece and nephew while Mimi cooked dinner for everyone!
We are half way through August...the hot august days and nights continue....