Saturday, December 29, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Christmas!?!  Wow!  This is the blog I had planned to post a few weeks ago...but didn't quite make it!  So, now it will be one LONG BLOG including Christmas celebrations~

Cailyn helped Mimi put the finishing touches on the Christmas tree 

Thanks to my daughter "elves", we were able to get our indoor decorations up in record time.

Things were oh, so "merry and bright" when Mike and Corissa invited us to their home for an evening...we enjoyed pizza, seeing all their pretty decorations, and walked the neighborhood on a chilly night to see the bright and merry lights!

Jennifer and Alissa also came to the rescue one afternoon and baked two batches of cookies for me...I, of course, was trying to address Christmas cards, wrap gifts AND bake all at the same time...a not-so-efficient game plan! 

They also assisted in the "pine-cone-project", a quick place-card holder for our family gathering on the 23rd.  Thanks to Mom and Dad for their ample supply of pine cones gathered from the Strawberry property!

On December 22, our Ruggiero side family gathering was held at Martin and Kim's home.
Here are Troy, Natalie and Natalie's boyfriend, Brandon.

Martin and Kim, our hosts! We enjoyed a delicious fish "feast", trying to keep to some of the traditions started years ago in Vince's family. Everyone helped contribute to the dinner!  

Art and Dianne recently celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary!

 Josh and Beth announced that the baby they expect in early May is "a girl"! They are "in the pink" mode now!!

Austin and Giana are the cutest couple, and it was good to see them again!

On the morning of December 23, Vince and I hosted a brunch and gift-opening for our children and grandchildren.  Mike did the honors, and opened the champagne for our mimosas!

 Gift-opening after brunch...I don't know who was more excited? The children or ME getting to watch them be excited to open gifts!?

At 4:00 on the 23rd, my parents, Terry and Ken, and their Arizona children and grandchildren arrived for our annual family celebration as well.

Chris holding 5-month-old Brock!

Cailyn and Bode picking up rocks in the backyard...there's nothing more fun than that!

 Cailyn assisting in the Brock-swinging activity!
 MaryBeth, Chris, Mom and Dad...and Landon wanting "Grandma Janne" to pick him up! ;-)
 Chris and Alan catching up...amazing weather that we could enjoy time in the backyard too before dinner!
We missed MaryBeth in this photo!

 Yes, Dad, I'm still taller than you! ;-)
Amy & Chris' boys are growing up so fast!  They were enticed to gather by the dessert table for a quick photo opportunity! Do you think maybe Ethan might have eaten an M & M or two while waiting?!?
 Amy organized a bingo game for the little ones while perishable food was tucked away in the fridge. She always has great ideas!!
We then opened gifts in our family room which seems to shrink more each and every year! ;-)

Brock opening a gift with help from Daddy!

Bode helping Papa open a gift!

 Mom and Dad gave each couple a beautiful lantern to hold a special anniversary candle...from their 60th wedding anniversary celebration last March!  

We ended our evening with a "white elephant" dice game which resulted in lots of laughter and fun! 
And we also played the LCR dice game, and Chris Silvertooth was the big winner this year, taking home the coins!
Christmas Eve morning found us bright and early at Joe's Farm Grill to celebrate Alissa's birthday...#32! 

On Christmas Eve night, my parents joined Vince and I for dinner at a chinese food restaurant before we went to mass at 8:00 p.m.

Needless to say, Christmas Day has evolved over the years....This year, Alissa and Alan hosted Jen, Vince and I for a lovely breakfast that morning.  

We played some games, watched a few funny "You-tube" videos and a movie...and then ate the lasagne that I had prepared on Christmas Eve.  We went for a brisk walk after dinner to see some of their neighborhood lights, especially the "leg lamp" made famous by The Christmas Story's one of our favorites!
Each and every year is special in its own way. Christmas comes once a year... and I'm finding that flexibility is the "key" to making things work and enjoying each and every celebration! We look forward to a New Year...hopefully, a new year full of reasons to celebrate with family!

Monday, December 10, 2012

I am Thankful!

Before Christmas arrives in TWO weeks (Yikes!), thought I might post some Thanksgiving Day photos!
We enjoyed hosting my parents, children, sister and part of her family at our house for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Since we were out of town the weekend prior, when I went to purchase a 22 lb turkey, there were none to be found at the store, and I didn't have the time or energy to run to several stores.  So I opted for two smaller birds.  It actually worked out fine...and they roasted nicely together on our grill outdoors...even used mesquite wood chips for a smoked flavor.  Vince kept watch, and did the carving while Jen and I made preparations in the house.
Jen made a delicious green bean recipe, using fresh green beans, red peppers and shallots...
Everyone brought a dish to share...and it was a feast indeed! My Dad said a special prayer before our meal as we gathered in a circle in the kitchen...

Lots of chatter and laughter at the tables...

and a fun chance for the little cousins to play together!
It was fun to see little Brock again...he's growing so he is with his Daddy and also with his Grammy...

And then here is Brock's big brother, Bode, with his Papa too! It was a beautiful weather day, so we spent some time outdoors before everyone had to go their separate ways.

I am thankful to be able to host family gatherings in our home, to enjoy the chance to reconnect with our relatives.  It is always a blessing to be together.  Our time together really flew by, and soon after the pumpkin pie was tasted, MaryBeth, Chris and family had to leave for naptime at home so they could join her family's gathering later in the day.  My sister and Ken headed home so that she could rest before her Black Friday shift at Kohl's; and Alissa/Alan left to join his parents in Phoenix for a second Thanksgiving dinner in one day...bless their hearts!
While Cailyn and Landon took naps, Jen and Corissa looked at the newspaper ads and plotted their "Black Friday" shopping strategy (not me!). I enjoyed visiting with my folks and relaxing a bit.  Once the food had been put away, the dishes could wait until after rest time!  As a kid I remember eating AGAIN in the evening...Mom would get out the turkey and gravy again and we would all make another plate!  I simply cannot do that anymore...but I did send some "turkey-to-go" with everyone, so hopefully the leftovers came in handy another night.