We enjoyed hosting my parents, children, sister and part of her family at our house for the Thanksgiving holiday. Since we were out of town the weekend prior, when I went to purchase a 22 lb turkey, there were none to be found at the store, and I didn't have the time or energy to run to several stores. So I opted for two smaller birds. It actually worked out fine...and they roasted nicely together on our grill outdoors...even used mesquite wood chips for a smoked flavor. Vince kept watch, and did the carving while Jen and I made preparations in the house.
Jen made a delicious green bean recipe, using fresh green beans, red peppers and shallots...
Everyone brought a dish to share...and it was a feast indeed! My Dad said a special prayer before our meal as we gathered in a circle in the kitchen...
Lots of chatter and laughter at the tables...
and a fun chance for the little cousins to play together!
And then here is Brock's big brother, Bode, with his Papa too! It was a beautiful weather day, so we spent some time outdoors before everyone had to go their separate ways.
I am thankful to be able to host family gatherings in our home, to enjoy the chance to reconnect with our relatives. It is always a blessing to be together. Our time together really flew by, and soon after the pumpkin pie was tasted, MaryBeth, Chris and family had to leave for naptime at home so they could join her family's gathering later in the day. My sister and Ken headed home so that she could rest before her Black Friday shift at Kohl's; and Alissa/Alan left to join his parents in Phoenix for a second Thanksgiving dinner in one day...bless their hearts!
While Cailyn and Landon took naps, Jen and Corissa looked at the newspaper ads and plotted their "Black Friday" shopping strategy (not me!). I enjoyed visiting with my folks and relaxing a bit. Once the food had been put away, the dishes could wait until after rest time! As a kid I remember eating AGAIN in the evening...Mom would get out the turkey and gravy again and we would all make another plate! I simply cannot do that anymore...but I did send some "turkey-to-go" with everyone, so hopefully the leftovers came in handy another night.
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