still has a kindred spirit for God's furry creatures!
Birthdays are always a BIG DEAL for children, and I guess, as a mother, it's hard for me to let go of that "big deal" kind of feeling when it comes to celebrations for our children, and now our grandchildren.
She was a good sport listening to us sing our rendition of "Happy Birthday to you..." and we watched her open little presents from us. Then her niece Cailyn did the honors and blew out the candle on the tray of cupcakes I had made for our "virtual birthday party" in Jen's honor.
It just isn't the same as giving her a big hug in person though!
Jennifer, we hope celebrating your first birthday in Florida instead of Arizona is a special one...You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. Here's Jen on her 30th birthday, and I'm sure she hasn't changed a bit! (except maybe her hair style or color!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNIFER!! WE LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!