One week in October is designated "October Break" in our school district. It's timed to start soon after the end of the first then, everyone NEEDS a break! ;-) I spent some time at home catching up on a few projects: fun things like paperwork at my desk, cleaning out a closet, running some errands and reading. The highlight for me, however, was my "escape" to Strawberry, AZ to stay with my folks at their little house in the woods for a couple of days/nights. The weather was beautiful!! I helped with a few small chores, but enjoyed their company immensely. I also enjoyed sleeping through the night without cats waking me, and daily naps in the afternoon. Woo-Hoo!!

One morning, Mom and I went "into town" (Pine, AZ) and shopped at a couple of stores; our favorite is always "Moose Mountain"! If you've never been, it's a great store filled with unique gifts and collectibles. One night we ordered pizza from "Mama Joe's" in Strawberry...really yummy pizza! It's around the bend from the Strawberry Lodge as you head to Pine!

The apple trees are loaded with fruit this year, and on my last day, we did pick a bucket full. Some are small but surprisingly sweet!
They even had a few beautiful pears on their pear tree...
Mom and Dad, thanks for being wonderful hosts! I appreciate all the delicious food, and reminiscing with you was especially meaningful! Until next time, I better get going on that apple cobbler I promised to make for Vince!
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