Monday, September 10, 2012


Yesterday was "Grandparents Day" and even though we are new at the "grandparenting" role, Corissa and Mike remember us with a special home-made card to mark the day! 

Cailyn is doing a fine job of printing "CAT" already, and her people drawings now have not only eyes and mouths but sometimes hair and arms too!

I had made special "fun in the middle" cupcakes for our Sunday Dinner dessert...and below, you can see how the sweetness was a hit with our sweeties!

What a difference a year makes! This year at my parents' 81st birthday celebration held at my sister's home on August 31--

--Last year's celebration held at our house included Cailyn & Landon with their Great Grandparents! Mom and Dad haven't aged a bit...but the changes in Cailyn and Landon are amazing to me (and to their parents as well!)

The desserts were gobbled up in one evening, but we have some sweet memories to last us forever!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! It's been awhile since I've seen the pictures side by side. They look SO different! Great post!
