Friday, June 7, 2013

FUN times with Cailyn and Landon!

A few weeks ago, Grandpa and Mimi had a chance to play with Cailyn and Landon in their own home while their mommy and daddy enjoyed a much-deserved evening out.  We had a great time interacting with and observing the children in their home environment!

Corissa had their dinner prepared, so we enjoyed sitting at the table while they ate their mac n cheese and chicken nuggets and fruit!  I brought some cookies for dessert!
Cailyn and Grandpa played some card games downstairs
Landon showed me his expertise on the plasma car and I took video of him playing on the floor mats in the spacious livingroom, which Landon then enjoyed watching! Wish I could learn how to post one here as it is so precious!
Upstairs, we played in the kitchen, did some coloring, listened to music, and they showed us their bedrooms.  The train table now sits in Landon's room.
They each have a set of "cubbies" in their bedrooms for organization...Mike says he put them together, but Corissa "organized" the spaces!
Thankyou, Corissa and Mike, for such a fun evening...and glad we had the chance to help out a little!

1 comment:

  1. what fun to be had! Isn't it fun what they want you to see, especially when you first arrive! Glad you got to have the time to play!
