Our household includes three cats, adopted as orphaned babies, bottlefed by our family, and tolerated by my husband. They are 13 years old now, and thought I would share some "now and then" photos. First is "Pete", short for Peter Pan. He's my "needy-Petey" as I call him, as he "needs
me" day and night. He's a "talker" and whiner, but the most affectionate of the three!

Next, let me introduce "Tinker" short for Tinkerbell. She's my "hissy-prissy" cat, as she hisses at her brother and sister, even though they've been together for 13 years! She's a light-weight, opposite of Pete as you can plainly see. Her fluffy calico hair helps hide her skeletal figure! She likes to lay next to me, but NEVER on my lap.

Last, but not least, we have "Baby", short for Baby Kitty. Guess we ran out of names with the 3rd one. Baby arrived 6 months after the first two siblings, and was accepted into the fold. She is my scavenger: a vegetable, fruit & flower-loving cat. Baby is small in stature and has developed an OCD licking/grooming issue in recent years. Probably is a result of being the "baby" with no name...I can feel guilty about this too! She is very sweet and has a very small meow!

Now, down memory lane, you'll enjoy these photos from 13 years ago. My how EVERYONE has changed! ;-)

BLESS HER HEART, our Ginger was such a patient 12-year old Lab with these feisty kitties!

It's hard to believe
now that Tinker and Pete used to wrestle and play together!

And here are my three kids with my three kitties in 1997! My how they've grown!!