I'm a shopper, so I LOVE looking and finding the perfect gift for loved ones. By the way, the GGRS Gift Guides are a great tool in keeping track of gift ideas for loved ones! Check it out! ;-)http://ggrightsize.com/Baking this year took a backseat until this coming week. Since I'm now officially on "Winter Break" from work, I hope to get a little traditional baking done! Wrapping gifts is another favorite of mine...years ago when my children were small, gift wrapping was always done during the "midnight hours" when I was half asleep, so this week I hope to relax and enjoy the process. Savor some hot tea, listen to Christmas music or watch a classic Christmas movie will add to the enjoyment.
I have enjoyed practicing with the choir every Thursday night at our church, learning all the music! I feel very blessed to prayerfully sing praises to God! If you need to feel inspired, traditional Christmas carols sung from the heart will do the trick! Last, but not least, I love writing Christmas cards and my annual letter...maybe due to the fact that I love receiving cards and letters. Hearing from loved ones each holiday season is such a blessing. Speaking of cards....I better get started on those! ;-)
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