Monday, July 15, 2013


My summer break is flying by, but I am enjoying the "gift" of extra time that it provides me so I can work on a few projects, read a few more books, visit with friends a little more often, and, of course, play a little extra with our grandchildren!

As I've said before, seeing the world through a young person's eyes is "eye-opening" for oneself.  Two year old Landon loves cars, trucks, and trains!  Mimi helped him build a road with his wooden blocks and we had a big time!

One morning, we had the fortunate opportunity to go watch Cailyn at a swim lesson.  She loves the water and is making progress in learning this important skill.
 Cailyn is the child on the far right hand side of the kickboard...she is so proud to dive for rings!
 Cailyn's Daddy was able to bring her to swim lessons on his day off...very special!

Landon loves books, so during snacktime, Mimi would read a few books...his favorites were about trucks, helicopters, and what I call "heavy equipment" vehicles!  Landon knows ALL the names of those vehicles and is teaching me!
 Landon enjoys eating, and when playing, he likes "shopping" for food at their make-believe grocery store!
He likes shopping for the "vegetables," and Mimi is hoping he learns to like eating them too! ;-)
Cailyn surprised her grandparents when she read to us for the first time this summer...Cailyn read the entire book HOP ON POP by Dr. Seuss.  
 Playing "dress up" is always FUN...Of course, big sister gets to "direct" what everyone should wear!

I have the cutest video of Cailyn "dancing" but haven't learned how to post those to a blog yet~
 Serious shopping going on here..."HOW MUCH MONEY do I owe??"
 Landon is using sign language more and more like his big sister, and they both enjoy listening to music and singing cute alphabet songs!  Some of those repetitive songs tend to get "stuck" in Mimi's head, long after I am at home again. What is nice, though, is remembering the cute expressions and smiles on their precious faces...THESE images are also "stuck" in my head AND in my heart forever, and that is wonderful!

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