One of the great perks of having several weeks off during the summer months is that I can catch up with friends and family over leisurely lunches or breakfasts~it does take some juggling with no paycheck, but I do enjoy the respite and relaxation! A few weeks ago I treated Mike and his family to lunch out at The Sugar Bowl in downtown Scottsdale, a quick trip around the block from Mike's office
They have a limited sandwich menu, and we enjoyed the sandwiches, however, we were really there for DESSERT! ;-)
Cailyn delicately ate her grilled cheese and "apples" before we ordered our desserts.
Mike ordered a rootbeer float which became an "erupting volcano" when he put a spoon into the glass!
Corissa ordered a double-scoop to share with Cailyn...
I think Cailyn is learning to like ice cream now...she even makes the "yummy sound" when tasting the strawberry flavor!
Nothing could be better than sharing ice cream with loved ones on a hot summer day!